Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Run 3 and Run 4

Run 3. Brutal. After a rather tasty Mexican meal with my Mom we discovered both of our stomachs were frighteningly unhappy. I was down and out for a day or so, with the stomach taking 2-3 days to settle back to completely normal. After that I went for a run (on Saturday in the AM, I got up before noon to run, amazing!). But as soon as I started I felt totally zapped. I made it a mile. Instead of heading home then I tried to do something else . . and rowed for 10 minutes. So, it was better than nothing, I guess, but I was weak and drained and felt like crap-o-la.

Ran again last night (Monday). My goal was 4 miles. I ran until 2.88, got off for a water break and then ran another 1.25. So 4.13. I think the constant movement of the treadmill gets on my nerves after awhile. I need to run outside, so I signed up for a Fleet Feet historic run. It's Sunday morning and just under 5 miles. I've never done one before, but I think the run/history combo will pretty rad. Well, the run was decent last night. I ate too much dinner though. I had a large salad and a small portion of whole wheat pasta about 3 hours before my run. I really like to run with an almost empty stomach and since I like to run late (9-11pm) it's hard to plan dinner so it's filling, but not too filling. I was belching up salad after 2.5 miles. Maybe just a smaller salad was needed.

It will be interesting how I adjust to my work schedule . . today is my last day of summer!! I know myself well enough to know I won't get up before work to run. I still like to run at night, so maybe an early dinner will work and then a run around 8pm or so.

4 miles wasn't easy and although I should look at it as an accomplishment, I can't help but think that 13.1 is a LONG distance if I'm planning on running the whole thing.

My new playlist definitely helped last night though.

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