Sunday, April 24, 2011

Spring Break

4 runs this week. Wow. wow. wow. Good things. I started the week off with The Race to Wrigley where I managed to run a 9:27 pace (PR!!) which shocked me. I was sick so it made sense that I wanted the race to be over quickly. I didn't actually think the time was correct.

Took a couple of days off to relax and hopefully get over this cough and cold. On Wednesday I ran another 5K at the gym and rowed for 15 minutes afterward. Thursday I ran an hour and made it 5.38 miles. I was extremely happy with that . . thinking about how the Kalamazoo 1/2 in about 2 weeks and I need to cover miles. 5.38 is moving in the right direction. My cold wasn't gone and I definitely felt it in my lungs, but I powered through.

Then yesterday I ran the Race for the Cheetah at Montrose Harbor. It was a gorgeous day, running a long the lake, cool breeze, sun peaking through the clouds, felt like spring . . . ran the first mile at a 9:00 pace and finished in 28:35 at 9:13/mile (new PR!!). I DIDN'T think it was EVEN POSSIBLE for me to run that quickly. I am thrilled.

And this week a book really helped me understand a few things about running I hadn't considered in depth before. Ultramarathon Man, Confessions of an All-Night Runner by Dean Karnazes. I'm going to post some of the ideas and quotes in my next post that resonated with me. The funny thing is that I've owned that book for over a year and hadn't read it yet. I picked it up on Monday and read it in a day.

I also got new shoes. It was an eventful runner's week. I'm happy.

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