Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Here we go . .

So, I was thinking about signing up for a race in Minneapolis but then figured in the cost of the race, travel, a place to stay, etc., and decided to just sign up for the 13.1 in Chicago on June 4th. BUT! Then they tempted me with this Chicago Challenge idea. The challenge? Run another half Sept 11. Not too bad as challenges go. One in June and one in Sept. That's my habit these days anyway. Now if it would have been run a half June 4 AND then 5 (how you folks did the Goofy Challenge is BEYOND my grasp :) ) well, that would be a true challenge, but I can dig a June/Sept challenge. So, I now have three 1/2s scheduled (Kalamazoo May 8th, 13.1 in Chicago June 4th, and the Chicago Half Sept. 11). Also I have 2 5Ks, one next weekend and another in May to support brain cancer and a friend who lost her brother-in-law to the disease.

My biggest fear when thinking of these races . . the Devil Sun. The sun is my nemesis as a runner and on June 4 it's bound to be an issue. I'd rather run a 1/2 in the middle of the night than run with the sun hitting me. Odd considering how much I adore the sun the rest of the time. Seriously, as a runner, sunshine seems to be my kryptonite. Can I change this? 

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