Monday, October 4, 2010

Run 10, 11

Run 10:

Bad. Ugh. I made it 2 miles on the treadmill. I just felt weak and my sugar levels crashed. While at the gym I looked up the closest McDonalds and drove (in the opposite direction of my house) to get a chocolate milkshake.

In general, I was exhausted last week. I slept and slept and napped and slept. I took a 5 hour nap Monday after school and still slept all night. I had no energy.

So . . . . I put off and put off and put off going for a long run. BUT! I DID IT YESTERDAY AND IT WAS SERIOUSLY ONE OF THE BEST RUNS OF MY LIFE.

I ran for 1 hour and 28 minutes non-stop. 8 miles. 11 minutes a mile. I had a gel around mile 4.5 and water along the way, but it was glorious. Ran along the lake front, 4 miles south, 4 miles back north-- the against the wind on the way back north. The air was cool, the sun shining. My playlist was awesome and I felt very, very good. Around mile 6.5 I could feel my bad foot, but it didn't hurt exactly, I could just feel it. My hips got a little achy too, but nothing major. I feel good today too, not even that sore. Yay! What a good feeling.

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