Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Monster Dash!

What a day. Miranda and I made to the start with NO TIME to spare. In fact, we peed in the bushes in Grant Park due to a line waaaaay too long ... At the start, dressed as a Walgreens' "sexy pirate lady" (no Luigi costumes left. I am a procrastinator), I felt worried and not exactly ready for this race. Knowing my knee would hurt worried me. Should I even be running this race? Will I do more damage?

The weather was perfect, a tad chilly at first, sunny, no wind. And we were off. I don't wear a watch and decided I didn't want to look at my phone to see my pace. I would just wing it. Start slow, see how I felt. I'm kind of a zen runner. I just go and try hard not to think of pace, even though I do know if I want to get faster I should probably get a watch and actually work on getting faster. The first couple of miles were OK. Miranda and I stayed together which was great, except for when people would say "GO MARIO" and not "GO SEXY PIRATE LADY." The course was a little sketchy, uneven, potholes, etc., but running along the lake was gorgeous. I hit my stride around mile 5, which always happens (thank god), and breezed through miles 6-9. At this point I changed my music from The Beatles, to hair metal. I love me some Motley Crue when I'm running.

I found myself surprised by how good I still felt. I ate a Stinger Waffle. I am in love with them now.

I've felt pretty awful for my last few 1/2s. Hot weather is simply hell for me, and SUNNY, hot weather crushes me. Running a half in Oct. is way way way way better than running a half in August and June. Lesson learned.

Miles 10 and 11 were a bit rough, but I knew I was closer with each step. I managed to finish strong, and as soon as I crossed the finish line and stopped running, my knee gave out and I almost fell to the ground (reminder: GO TO THE DOC). Bill and Zak, my marathoner friends, ran too and I met up with them and then Miranda joined us. I was never so happy in my life to see a cheese stick in the post race food bag. Mmmmmmmm. Miranda got a PR and I was so so happy for her. She's an inspiration!

Bill was a great blue man.

I reunited with a friend I hadn't seen for years who rocked the half. Way to go, Ashley!

Soon after we found beer.

I'm so happy Miranda came out for the race. I felt strong. I felt good. I had a blast with my good friends. Success. Thank you running gods :)

Time: 2:21:31. Better than my last. I'll take it.

7 half marathons in one year. Check!

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