Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Run 7, 8, 9

Run 7. I had big dreams. I was going to attempt 6 miles. Upon arriving at the gym it dawned on me the gym closes at 10pm and not 11pm on Sunday. So, I only had about 19 minutes and decided to run fast. I re-learned eating a salad before running, even 2 hours before, is still a bad idea.


Elapsed time: 15:30
Distance: 1.50 miles
Distance climbed: 88 feet
Average speed: 5.82 MPH
Average pace: 10:18/mile

Run 8: I learned eating pasta before running, even 2 hours before, is a bad idea. This was a BAD run. My sugar levels dropped and I was powerless. I had planned to attempt 6 miles, but ran less than 3. I was just limp and completely zapped of energy. I think it was the pasta. I had even tried to eat a small portion. I need to keep to meat/veggies (no salad) if I eat dinner and then run.


Elapsed time: 29:42
Calories: 344
Distance: 2.68 miles
Average speed: 5.42 MPH
Average pace: 11:04/mile

I went for ice cream after that run. Sugar tasted so good.

Run 9! Title: "Let's Try 6 Again"

Had to divide the run into 2 on the treadmill because it kicks me off sometimes after 60 minutes.

Workout Summary: 62:25 + 05:28
Calories: 674 + ?
Distance: 5.54 + 0.51 = 6.05!
Average speed: 5.33 MPH & 5.55 MPH
Average pace: 11:15/mile & 10:48/mile

So, I was a rock star and ran 6. Oh, and I forgot! I bought new shoes. My third pair of Mizuno's Creation and I love them. I also bought a new hydration pack for running outside. I plan a long run this Sunday. Also learned that by eating something at 3:30pm (yesterday was a peanut butter and jelly sandwich) and then napping and then running around 9pm (having a Gu pack before the run), helps me feel better. I love to run on an almost empty stomach. Last night I came home and ate some cottage cheese, a half sandwich with cream cheese, and grapefruit juice. As for how I felt, I miss a breeze when I'm running inside. Outside runs in the cool fall air will feel good. My legs felt stronger, maybe my high ropes course experience last weekend helped strengthen them. I wasn't out of breath until around 5 miles and I started to kick up my speed a tad. I know on race day I will start out SLOW and conserve energy. I had a pain in my side for the first 2 miles or so, but it subsided eventually. All in all, I felt strong and I'm surprised to say it, but I think I could have run farther if I had needed to.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Run 6

So, I didn't run my Fleet Feet run. Let me get that news out of the way. There was a Saturday night involving college football, good friends, conversation, maybe a beer or two and I just didn't want to get up early to run on Sunday. I felt bad about it. In fact I felt pretty horrible Sunday and Monday. I think it had to do with the school year starting on Tuesday and not anything that was physically wrong. Anxiety is a bitch.

So, I ran last night (Tuesday). Arrived at the gym around 9:35pm and I decided I wanted to run for an hour straight. I actually wanted to run 5 miles, but after putting in 50 minutes or so, I knew I wanted to just run to 60 minutes to see what it felt like. Then at 60 minutes I wanted to run to the next quarter mile, so here's the data:

elapsed time: 61:38
distance: 5.25 miles
average speed: 5.11 mph
average pace: 11:44/mile

It was the first time in my life I'd ever run 60 straight minutes on a treadmill without stopping. I didn't know the machine would force me to slow down at 60 minutes and I'd have to keep increasing the speed to finish the last 1:38.

OK, here's my bone to pick with people today. People need to stop asking me how fast I run things (unless they are runner friends). I will never be fast. Fast is not my goal. Running 13.1 miles is my goal. Yes, it took me 5 and 1/2 hours to run a marathon, but I still ran the damn thing. How many other people know what it feels like to run for over 5 hours and what it does to your mind and body? So, when I was in 2nd grade we had to run the mile and my gym teacher put our finish times on a name tag to show everyone the rest of the day. I was humiliated. I was slow. It took me 11 or 12 minutes to finish and the fast kids wore those name tags like medals of glory and honor. I felt inadequate. I felt like a disappointment. And I was 7! So, I wasn't fast as a kid and I'm not fast now. I've spent too much of my life beating myself up for stuff, too much time feeling inadequate (this is an internal mental complication of mine I apply to many things) to worry about what a bunch of non runners think about my speed.

My favorite mantra lately from Kara Goucher in Runner's World: "Run the mile you're in."

I still need to work on my leg strength. That's the week's goal. Over and out.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Run 5

This is getting easier.

I had a rough day at work and didn't feel like doing anything. Sometimes when I'm down and I get to the gym all I can think about is how I'm not working hard enough or I'm not progressing. I guess I just get negative, but I'm working on that. After my rough day and long nap, I got to the gym and knocked out 4 miles.

elapsed time: 45:41
distance: 4.01 miles
average speed: 5.26 mph
average pace: 11:23/mile

The light dinner helped, only had a salad. I picked up my pace for the last mile, partially because the gym was closing and I needed to hurry, but it felt really good. I could have run longer. At around 3 1/2 I felt like I got into a rhythm and would have liked to push it to 5. Lungs felt great. Legs still get kind of heavy and achy after 3 miles or so. I need to work on my leg strength. Lunges needed. Lifting needed.

I like feeling stronger. I really hate when I'm out of shape and feel so weak when I start up again. I know I have a long way to go still, but feeling stronger is a good.