Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The post before I post about the marathon

I haven't written in months. After studying in Dublin and trying to train for the marathon at the same time, I got out of the habit of documenting my running life. School took up all of my time .... and drinking Guinness, most regularly at a pub called Farrington's in the Temple Bar area.

I didn't train well while in Europe. I managed a great 14 mile run in The Hague and a 16 mile run in Dublin, but they were LONG and slow, and difficult. I didn't run much during the week. Training while spending all day, everyday, in classes was hard. I knew it would be. I told myself I'd train like a mad woman once I got home in August. I didn't really do that either. I did alright, but I wasn't phenomenal. The 18 mile run I was supposed to run in London turned into a 4 mile run. The 20 mile run I tried to run in Chicago didn't work because I didn't read an email closely and went to the wrong location for the training run, so I went home and ate bacon instead. I thought I'd run it the next day, which worked until mile 12 when a torrential downpour that wouldn't let up caused me to throw in the towel and eat pizza instead. Another 12 mile run was terrible due to the heat ..... it was much cooler in Dublin all summer.

So, I kept thinking .... am I ready for the marathon? The MARATHON. This isn't a piece of cake. This  is intense. After the 23 mile run I felt decent, but we had taken it slow, stopping for breaks for the bathroom and water. I had a goal for this marathon, but when I looked at my training I doubted myself. In 2009 I ran in 5:34. My goal this year was to run in under 5 hours. Hmmm .... could I do it?

One thing that encouraged the hell out of me was my time for the Chicago Half Marathon in September. I was astonished I ran a 2:08, a PR by around 7 min. I ran at a 9:47 pace. I was floored. Maybe I am getting better at this running thing .....

So, did I break 5 hours this past Sunday? Tune in to find out ....

More soon ...