Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Day One.

The Chicago Marathon. 151 days, 11 hours, 30 minutes, and 31 seconds ....

I will be running again this year. My first, and only marathon, was running Chicago in 2009. And beyond the physical lessons learned, I learned A LOT about how I view myself, as a runner, and as a human in general. I think I've come a long way in three years. Three years ago I didn't call myself a "runner". Even after completing the marathon I didn't always think I qualified as a runner. It took 7 half marathons and a spattering of 5Ks, a 10K, and a 10 mile race, to teach me that yes, I am a runner, and I was a runner back in 2009 too. I didn't train very well in 09 and I think that guilt, coupled with my slow time made me feel like a failure .... even though I ran the race. I've learned a lot. We are all runners. The friend who gets out there to go one mile doing a run/walk is a runner. The friend who is completing an ultra is a runner. And everyone in between. Slow, fast, if you cross the start line and cross the finish, even if you're crawling, you are a runner. I had some work to do on my confidence, and yes, perhaps I'm still working on it, but completing a marathon and then feeling like a total failure afterwards, even when receiving nothing but support from my friends and loved ones, taught me a great deal about myself.

So, it's 2012 and I'm doing it again. I was so excited on Saturday morning for day one of training. I'm running with The Team to End AIDS (T2) and will be raising money for the Chicago AIDS Foundation. This is the same program I trained with in 2009. Day one dawned foggy and damp, with intermittent drizzles. We run at 7am on Saturday mornings and even though I can't get out of bed early on a work day to save my life, I was on my feet, caffeinated, and ready to go by 6:30.

On day one we run 3 miles to determine our pace groups. Last time I was in the Alberto Salazar group (3 mile time between 31:31-33:00). This year I am in the Kara Goucher group (I LOVE HER!!), (3 mile time between 28:31-30:00.) Improvement! I like improvement!

I love this list of greats.

It felt a bit like coming home again to run on the lakefront path that early in the morning. I don't do that if I'm not running with a training group. I like sleep too much to get out of bed. I love the people of all ages, all ethnicities, all sizes, while hearing the cars on Lake Shore, passing familiar intersections and landmarks, and seeing the lake in all of its moods. It feels like Chicago woke up from a long winter nap (even though this winter wasn't actually long), and is ready to attack the pavement all spring, summer, and fall.

After three miles I met my pace group briefly and we took a day one photo (will be shared in a future post). I'm looking forward to Saturday runs with these people I know nothing about. We'll support each other, laugh, bitch, swear, tell stories, and get each other through long runs in all kinds of weather. I recall a brutal 12 miler in 2009 that nearly killed me due to heat and lack of salt consumption. My pace group friend had me envision my power animal. I couldn't decide on which animal ... bear? sloth? black cat? Thoughts?

More to come. I'll keep you posted.