Saturday, April 14, 2012

Channeling the barefoot gods.

So, I bought Vibrams awhile ago, but have only run in them a few times. Once I went out for an easy 3 miles in them and could hardly walk the next day. It was clear I was using different muscles while running in 5 Fingers. A constant thought I have right now about my running is that I need to find the joy. Be more positive. I need to not stalk the next PR or the next super fast mile. I need to just run because I love what it has done in my life. I need to just be. Just run. It's OK if I'm not in the shape I was a year ago. Just run. It's OK if I'm not running races right now. Just run. So many runs lately have felt empty, difficult, negative. I'm thinking "I'm not this or that." "I'm not training like I should." "I suck at this." But this Thursday's 3 miler in my Vibrams brought back the joy I needed. First of all, I love barefoot running. I feel strong, swift. I think "tred lightly", and feel as if I actually am.

Time: 32:41
Distance: 3.01
Average Speed: 5:52
Pace: 10:52

I felt a sense of "YES" during this run, not "why didn't you run 4 miles?" or something similar. I need to get back to the basics, back to the days when I was astonished I could run a mile without stopping (sophomore year in college). Running makes me feel good and when it starts to do the opposite I need to remember each run counts, each run makes me stronger. 3 miles is good. It's not 4 or 8 or 10 or whatever, but it's good. Running twice a week isn't optimal, but it's still good.

And leave it at that. The barefoot gods pulled me along and I may stay and hang out with them for awhile.